Taking too long to book an appointment with your GP?
With Walk-in-Clinic Near Me, you can book an appointment in a matter of minutes. As soon as our pharmacists receive your request, you’ll be emailed a response regarding confirmation of your appointment.
Booking an Appointment
With Walk-in-Clinic Near Me, you can book an appointment in a matter of minutes. As soon as our pharmacists receive your request, you’ll be emailed a response regarding confirmation of your appointment.

Book an Appointment
Select a Walk-in-Clinic of your choice and the service you need.
Next, select the date and time for your appointment.
Finally, add your details and your request will be sent to the clinic.

Receive Confirmation
Once you’ve booked an appointment, your clinician will either confirm that date or offer a new date/time.
Make sure to check your email daily for updates on your appointment.

Get Your Treatment
As soon as your appointment is confirmed, arrive at the clinic on the arranged date/time.
Our clinicians will provide you with first-class services and professional consultations.
Taking too long to book an appointment?
Book in a matter of minutes with Walk-in-Clinic Near Me
Chest Infection
A chest infection is an infection of the lungs or large airways. Some chest infections are mild and clear up on their own, but others can be severe and life-threatening. If you’re having difficulties with chest infections, our clinicians will diagnose exactly what is wrong and will deliver the appropriate treatment for you.

COVID-19 PCR Testing Kit
Looking for a reliable COVID-19 testing kit? Our clinicians can provide all patients with PHE approved COVID-19 PCR Testing Kits that will deliver an accurate diagnosis.

Ear Infections
An ear infection can be painful and long-lasting if left untreated. Don’t risk waiting for an appointment, book yours with one of our Walk-in-Clinics and find the right treatment for you.

Erectile Dysfunction
Despite affecting most men at some point in their life, many people are hesitant to visit their doctor with ED-related problems. Book an appointment and receive a fully confidential consultation with one of our trained clinicians.

Male Pattern Baldness
Losing hair at an earlier age than you’d like? Our clinicians can figure out which treatments are most suited to you, enabling your hair to regrow back to its normal self.

Pain Management
If you’re seeking greater treatment or management for pain, a consultation with one of our clinicians will land you with the best advice and treatments to help you.

Period Delay
Delaying your period can be of the utmost importance for special events and occasions. Book your appointment and receive the right period delay treatment for you.

Period Pain
Our walk-in-clinics stock a whole range of products to ease and remedy all sorts of period pains. Book an appointment and receive the right treatments for you.

Sore Throat
Despite being one of the most common ailments, sore throats can be a huge nuisance, especially when they’re persistent. If you want further advice or more effective treatment for a sore throat, visit one of our clinicians.

Travel Vaccinations
Travelling abroad can put you at risk of a greater array of illnesses and diseases. Get your travel vaccines from our walk-in-clinics and ensure that you, your friends and your family remain safe when travelling.

Urinary Tract Infections
UTI’s can affect any and all parts of your urinary tract so it’s important to keep on top of any symptoms you’re showing. If you have any concerns, make sure to book an appointment with one of our walk-in clinicians to receive a proper diagnosis and effective treatment.

Vitamin B12
Our clinics are stocked with an array of vitamin B12 supplements that will balance out the vitamin levels in people who suffer deficiencies.

Vitamin D
Our clinics are stocked with an array of vitamin D supplements that will balance out the vitamin levels in people who suffer deficiencies.